Birth Records

Birth Records

Who may obtain birth records?
  • The record can be released to the person named on the record, if 18 years of age or over
  • The parent, if the name appears on the birth certificate as the mother or father
  • A legal guardian who possesses guardianship papers that are signed by a judge
  • A legal representative who is representing the person named on the birth certificate or is representing his/her parents
  • A court order
What identification is required?
Acceptable forms of identification include one of the following valid picture ID:

  • Illinois driver’s license
  • Illinois State identification card
  • Out-of-state driver’s license or ID Card
  • U.S. military ID Card
  • U.S. immigration card
  • Illinois Public Assistance ID card OR two (2) forms of ID that contain the current name and address, such as; mail, social security card, checkbook or utility bill
What is the fee?
$16.00 for the first copy and $3.00 for each additional copy of the same record when purchased at the same time. Payment must be made with a money order or cashier's check, made payable to the Stephenson County Clerk, cash or credit card (subject to applicable service fee.)
How can I obtain a birth record online or by mail?
  • For your convenience, you can request a record online CLICK HERE.
  • You can do a preliminary search of records to verify that we have the record before you call CLICK HERE.
  • To request a record by mail, the applicant must send a signed written form. Click here to obtain a fillable mail-in form. The request must include the person’s name at birth, date of birth and parents’ names with mother’s maiden name. The request must be signed by the applicant and can only be sent to those who are entitled to obtain a copy. The required fee should also be included along with a photocopy of your valid driver’s license, State I.D. or two forms of identification with your current name and address on them. Mail your request to the Stephenson County Clerk’s Office, 50 W. Douglas St., Suite 500, Freeport, IL 61032.
What birth records are on file in Stephenson County?
Birth records on file in the Stephenson County Clerk’s Office date back to 1878.
What if the birth occurred in another county or state?
Try other county and state links. You can also order from all 50 states by clicking here.
Are birth records available for genealogical purposes?
Yes, but only those records that are 75 years or older. They may be purchased at a cost of $10.00 and are stamped “For Genealogical Purposes Only.” Click here for more information on genealogy in Illinois and in other states.

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